
Privacy and quality statements, compliments and complaints procedure

Privacystatement-iMindU English
Goedgekeurd kwaliteitsstatuut LKS 3.0 iMindU GGZ 2023
Professioneel Statuut iMindU BV 2022
Compliments and complaints form

More about Quality

All professionals participating in iMindU have to act according to the WGBO, a Dutch law concerning treatment for health issues. Also, each professional has to act according to quality requirements from his or her professional society and therefore keep registrations such as BIG, MSRC, specializations in treatments up to date through reading professional literature and participation in continuing (medical) education accredited by his or her professional society. Each team member of iMindU has to keep medical confidentiality regarding your health and treatment. Relevant membership of professional societies is mentioned per team member and for iMindU as a whole. Besides, BIG-registered mental health professionals have to participate in an intervision group and if applicable in supervision for therapies conducted. For therapy, supervision or education reasons we may want to audio-video tape therapy sessions and may ask your permission to do so. After the supervision session, the audio-visual material is kept in your patient record if it concerned diagnostics, or discarded if it concerned supervision. If you gave permission to use audio-visual material for education purposes we will take measures for it to be anonymous. ICT measures have been taken to ensure that your medical information and this audio-visual material is kept safe at all times.

iMindU is part of a learning network with other independent practices. We function as a living lab for innovations, a community of practice and do action research. If needed we find solutions by trial and error in a PDCA-cycle and/or initiate improvement trajectories. Our approach is one of integrated collaboration and working for children and families as well as for adults seeking help.

Medical specialists such as a (child and adolescent) psychiatrist and paediatrician are required to participate in an Individual Functioning Medical Specialist assessment (IFMS) each year and in quality visitation every 5 years.

The clinic is being certified according to HKZ-norm 143 (Small Organizations) at the moment. This is a quality mark for specialized mental health care in the Netherlands and a prerequisite for being contracted by municipalities. We stick to guidelines and evidence-based treatments for mental health issues, but also try to find innovative ways in organizing a holistic approach for both mental and physical health in collaborating across disciplines. We’re open to additional integrative treatments for physical and mental health if they seem to add value for the individual patient and do not endanger health.

For medical-ethical and law issues, professionals at iMindU seek intercollegial consultation and/or advice from VVAA, Safe Home, LAD and KNMG/FMS, which are professional organizations supporting medical professionals.

Finally, iMindU has made procedures and a handbook to ensure that the backoffice and patient journey within iMindU run as smoothly and unambiguously as possible. We aim to enhance quality and patient safety in patient care in this respect as well. It is continuous work-in-progress. If you have suggestions for improvement, please let us know. We will evaluate your treatment at regular intervals and at the end and will appreciate it if you take the time to fill out our patient satisfaction sheet Patient satisfaction sheet