Children and adolescents
Till 18 years of age the Dutch municipality you live in has the responsibility to pay for any mental health costs. Each municipality has its own way of doing so. This means that mental health for youth has to be contracted for with each municipality separately. For a small clinic this is a lot of work as each municipality demands a different way of administration and financial control. Work that cannot be dedicated to helping patients. Therefore, iMindU GGZ has choosen to not contract municipalities in the beginning, but first dedicate time to startup quality patientcare. In 2022 we have been able to contract some municipalities, but it is not doable unfortunately to contract a lot even in the Randstad region, let alone all of them (355 in number). We think civilians should demand a uniform system from the government that guarantees equal access to mental health care and equal payment for it, like for any somatic condition a child has and like any adult with mental or somatic problems, according to children’s rights and the sustainable development goals. The Law on Youth (Jeugdwet; Jeugdwet dd 29-03-2019) guarantees the municipalities pay for any mental health care needed according to parents’ wishes and free choice of mental health professional or doctor. Unfortunately, daily experiences are different so far, with long procedures to acquire a Personal Budget (PGB) if you do not seek mental health through the local mental health teams and institutions with long waiting lists or basic and not specialized mental health care. However, we encourage you to do acquire a PGB at your own municipality before or as soon as you have contacted us in order to hopefully get at least some refunds from seeking help for your child. It is your own responsibility as a parent, we can only support you in doing so. If needed, we will help you fill out the forms you need for a PGB application. Note, procedures may take weeks to months. You will be responsible for payment of any costs made by iMindU GGZ on behalf of your child, your family or yourselves in any case.
In case you decide to pay our care yourself or through your international insurance company (please check their conditions, it is your own responsibility), these are our fees:
Children: according to discipline – tariffs are free, but we closely follow the tariffs for specialized multidisciplinary teams in the Leiden region.
Youth tariffs 2023:
Postmaster psychologist/orthopedagoge € 115/hr
Mental health psychologist/orthopedagoge generalist/register psychologist NIP € 125/hr
Psychotherapist € 145/hr
Family and relationship therapist € 150/hr
Clinical psychologist € 155/hr
Child and adolescent psychiatrist € 215/hr
Youth tariffs 2024:
Postmaster psychologist/orthopedagoge € 123,00/hr
Mental health psychologist/orthopedagoge-generalist/register psychologist NIP € 133,75/uur
Psychotherapist € 155,15/uur
Clinical psychologist € 190,00/uur
Child and adolescent psychiatrist € 230,00/uur
Childpsychiatric assessment and treatment consists of any direct AND indirect time. Please be aware that this includes not just face-to-face time, but also any time spent on the phone, writing e-mails, sms, app, letters, filling out forms, reports, treatment plan, safety plan, selecting, preparing, sending and reporting on Routine Outcome Monitoring questionnaires, administration, reading documentation or literature, preparation time and time working out therapy sessions, consultation of schools, youth teams, municipality, Safe Home, youth protection or others on behalf of your child, multidisciplinary meetings and consultation whether face-to-face, by phone, e-mail, fax, sms, app or digital platform. Also, if hospitalization or referral to a day clinic is needed for your child, the time spent to realize this will be charged, since it usually is a crisis and can take a lot of time to find a spot at a child psychiatric hospital or day clinic unfortunately. Please ask your municipality to pay for these costs.
In case of no show your health insurance company nor Personal Budgets (PGBs) reimburses the fee. The no show tariffs are as follows per 01-01-2024:
Psychiatrist € 115
Clinical psychologist € 95
Psychotherapist € 80
Health psychologist/registerpsychologist NIP € 65
Postmaster psychologist/orthopedagoge € 60
If we reserved more time than an hour the no show tariff increases accordingly. If we reserved time for you with more than one person, you will receive no show tariffs for all of them.
Adults: according to ZPM NZa tariffs of each discipline: We cannot give a cost estimate therefore because there are too many variables (discipline, time to be spend, length, intensity, multi/monodisciplinary).
Tariffs monodisciplyinary care according to ZPM for mental health institution 2024:
Tarieven 2024 – ZPM NZA – mono
Tariffs multidisciplinary care according to ZPM for mental health institution 2024:
Tarieven 2024 – ZPM NZA – multi
For adults the Zorgprestatiemodel (ZPM) is opened that will be paid for by your Dutch insurance company if you have one according to NZA guidelines applying in the Netherlands (18+ years of age). If you have an international insurance company we ask a warranty that guarantees that costs will be directly paid to iMindU GGZ. If you do not wish your Dutch insurance company to be notified about your psychiatric consultation or treatment and decide to pay costs yourself, fees are still according to NZA guidelines by law. For 2023 the tariffs are
Please be aware you have to pay your own annual risk (€ 385 per person) and often an additional amount from your own pocket in case of psychotherapy, even when insured with a Dutch insurance company. For an international insurance company, please check its conditions.
You may get 75-100% of the fee for diagnostics or treatment reimbursed by your health insurance company if you have a restitution policy ‘conform the market’, this may be a lower tariff than NZa-tariff, because insurance policies decide about that themselves. If you have a so called ‘natura’ or ‘combinatie’ policy, you likely get somewhere between 45-75% reimbursed. However, you need to pay the full invoice we send to you according to NZA-tariff. Please check your policy conditions for reimbursement before you start treatment at iMindU GGZ to prevent surprises. It is your own responsibility whether or not you choose for uncontracted care and partial reimbursement.
We have a RMO/RMA contract for refugees and displaced persons. Also for those without (enough) health insurance we have a CAK agreement.
For 2024 we have a contract with Aevitae (Caresq) and with CZ (including OHRA, Nationale Nederlanden, Just and CZ direct) and are still negotiating a contract with other insurance companies as far as feasible.
The no show tariffs are as follows per 01-01-2024:
Psychiatrist € 115
Clinical psychologist € 95
Psychotherapist € 80
Health psychologist/registerpsychologist NIP € 65
Postmaster psychologist/orthopedagoge € 60
In case of no show your health insurance company nor Personal Budgets (PGBs) reimburses the fee. The no show tariffs are as follows for adults per 01-01-2023:
Psychiatrist € 100
Psychotherapist € 95
Psychologist NIP € 75
Postmaster psychologist/orthopedagoge € 65
If we reserved more time than an hour the no show tariff increases accordingly. If we reserved time for you with more than one person, you will receive no show tariffs for all of them.
The fees for treatment are determined by law by the Health Service Tariff Tribunal (College Tarieven Gezondheidszorg). The ministry of Health, Science and Sports has instructed that treatments are charged per session from 2022 onwards. They can be reimbursed to you by the insurance company each month.
At the moment, 2023-2024, iMindU GGZ works partially with contracts with municipalities and insurance compagnies, partially contract free, for children as well as adults. For adults who are displaced or an asylum seeker we have a contract with RMO/RMA since 01-01-2022 so that their costs are being covered.
It is difficult to forecast the treatment cost because the diagnosis and consequent treatment are not always known in advance of your treatment and there are too many variables (disciplines, time to be spend, length of consultation, intensity, multi/monodisciplinary). We therefore cannot provide a ZPM cost estimate for adults we concluded. We refer you to the ZPM tariffs.
You are welcome to consult us for a cost estimate if you have to pay costs yourself for your children or yourself having an international insurance, but please be aware that the final costs may vary from price estimates given previously. For adults we refer to ZPM tariffs and a precise cost estimate is not possible due to too many variables. For children direct and indirect time is counted. Direct time is face-to-face, e-mail/digital or phone contact. Indirect time can e.g. be reporting or administration time, time to consult colleagues, meetings with team members on your case, prescriptions, etc. Or we can agree upon a cost estimation for certain services that you have to sign for and pay for in advance. Anything extra will have to be paid for separately.
We will require a deposit beforehand and may ask for a new one during treatment when costs are accumulating but invoices are not being paid for in time. You will get a confirmation of receipt. Invoices are separate from the deposit. The deposit will be returned to you once the treatment has been finished and all invoices have been completely paid. If you have not paid your invoices within two months we will keep the deposit. Any costs not paid for yet we will hand over to a judicial bailiff. We can also ask you to sign a direct debit authorization before starting treatment. For those with an international insurance policy or employed by an embassy we require a warranty (‘garantiestelling’).
We have a strict payment procedure to ensure the continuation of diagnostics and treatment and our practice. It is your own responsibility as a parent or adult patient to make sure that treatment of yourself or your child is not endangered by unpaid invoices. Fees can be paid by pin or digital payment request and invoices are due within 7 days using a bank transfer or mobile bank transaction. If not paid for within that period of time we will request payment twice thereafter before handing the invoice to a judicial bailiff. An incasso procedure creates extra charges which you have to pay as well. Please make sure you contact your insurance company in advance about its refund policy when seeking diagnostic or treatment services from iMindU GGZ. Check our general and billing conditions, see under Legal.
For iMindU Academy activities fees vary, a specific cost estimation can be requested.
Coaching fees depend on the one requesting so. Coaching and a second opinion have to be charged with 21% VAT (BTW). Diagnostic reports for forensic purposes also are charged with 21% BTW tax. All other health costs are exempt from VAT (BTW).
Dutch healthcare system
If you are registered as living in the Netherlands you have a legal obligation to be insured for healthcare through a Dutch health insurance company (within four months of entering the Netherlands). Only expatriates working for certain international organisations and embassies or those with employment that qualifies due to social security amounts being paid in another country may use a non-Dutch health insurance. Please visit the English website of the Dutch government for information on Dutch Health insurance
Whether you are insured through a Dutch health insurance company (zorgverzekeraar), hold a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) and have an insurance number on record, or are insured through a foreign or international insurance company, we will send the invoice directly to you unless a warranty is available from your international insurance company or embassy. A warranty allow us to directly get payment from certain international insurance companies. Depending on your coverage the health insurance company can reimburse you for the costs. You must first pay the invoice yourself, whereafter you can claim costs back from your insurance company. The extent to which the invoiced amount for the consultation and services will be reimbursed by your insurance company will depend on your coverage. We recommend that you consult your health insurance company regarding refunds for psychiatric treatment. Please, check your policy in advance. We are not responsible for any misunderstanding of the costs in any case since we explain it to you according to procedure before you start treatment three times and have mentioned it on the website and in our billing conditions.