Registration package
referral letter Criteria referral letter GP
the admission form, permission form, treatment agreement, general and billing conditions, and developmental history will be send to you on request by a secured e-mail (Zivver) that you can return to us with your uploaded filled out forms. So call us first in order to register.
general and billing conditions 2022_Behandelingsovereenkomst_algemene_en_betalingsvoorwaarden_iMindU-1
privacy statement Privacystatement-iMindU English
permission form Permission form iMindU
Opt-out letter
Informed consent
informed consent to treatment Informed consent to treatment at iMindU
Compliments and complaints
compliments and complaints procedure Compliments-and-complaints-procedure
compliments and complaints form Compliments and complaints form
Patient satisfaction
Klachtenportaal Zorg – youth 2022-Klachtenreglement-Jeugdwet-KPZ-
Wkkgz – adults NVVP – Regeling voor de behandeling van klachten van cliënten
patient satisfaction sheet Patient satisfaction sheet