Registration package and forms

Registration package

referral letter Criteria referral letter GP


the admission form, permission form, treatment agreement, general and billing conditions, and developmental history will be send to you on request by a secured e-mail (Zivver) that you can return to us with your uploaded filled out forms. So call us first in order to register.

general and billing conditions 2022_Behandelingsovereenkomst_algemene_en_betalingsvoorwaarden_iMindU-1


privacy statement Privacystatement-iMindU English


permission form Permission form iMindU


Opt-out letter


Informed consent

informed consent to treatment Informed consent to treatment at iMindU

Compliments and complaints

compliments and complaints procedure Compliments-and-complaints-procedure

compliments and complaints form Compliments and complaints form

Patient satisfaction

Klachtenportaal Zorg – youth 2022-Klachtenreglement-Jeugdwet-KPZ-
Wkkgz – adults NVVP – Regeling voor de behandeling van klachten van cliënten
patient satisfaction sheet Patient satisfaction sheet