Our Vision

Care with a soul.

iMindU wants to provide hospitable, compassionate, high quality, efficient and efficacious, tailor-made specialized (mental) health care.

For local and international oriented children, adolescents, young adults and their families, schools, businesses and organizations, as well as for second/third generation WOII survivors.

iMindU considers nature and mankind as interdependent and part of one world. If we increase resilience in children and adults by improving mental and physical health, we increase the likelihood of peace and justice to happen, and the likelihood for ourselves and nature to survive in harmony on this beautiful planet as a whole.

We draw in particular upon the Ubuntu philosophy (“I am because you are”), Theory U, The Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics, Inner Developmental Goals, modern psycho-analytical theory and attachment theory, Jewish teachings on human ethics and positive health.

Core values

Hospitality – compassion – dedication- quality – efficacy – tailored care with a soul