News and resources


Below you can find several empowerment tools, which we also made available for the

Website Knowledgecenter Child and Adolescent Psychiatry see

August 26th, 2024

We’re facing an-every-6-months-goodbye to our interns Romi Essel and Nikki Meijer who we will miss in another week since they became part of the team. We thank them for their great contributions to our team. We will welcome Johanna Schmidtova from Czech Republic (speaking Czech, German, English, Dutch, Korean and Vietnamese) and Yasmin Conrado Veiga Bosquetti from Brasil/Italy (speaking Portugese, English, Dutch and German) per September 2nd.

July 17th, 2024

Giulia Iozzia got the decision to grant her with a BIG as a GZ-psychologist after the arduous procedure to get her Italian license as such recognised! We are very proud of her major achievements over the past years and congratulate her on a new phase in her career!

June 18th, 2024

Khatun Mirsujan got the decision to grant her with a BIG as a GZ-psychologist without any problem besides the BIG as a psychotherapist that she already has! Congratulations on this major achievement!

June 1st, 2024

It was a delight and great experience to have Alexis Benedetto, child psychiatry fellow from Yale Child Study Center (new Haven, USA) with us for the past month! We will miss her and make sure she’ll come back! We’ll continue our collaboration online in any case.

May 25th, 2024

LinkedIn post by Marie-José van Hoof:

Together with colleagues from around the world I had the opportunity to present on several issues at the IACAPAP 2024 conference in Rio de Janeiro this week.

On Wednesday morning May 22nd, together with Cecil Prins-Aardema (The Netherlands, chair) and Sowmyashree Mayur Kaku (India) I presented on family-oriented care organisation our hashtag#honeycombmodel at the symposium INTEGRATED FAMILY-ORIENTED CHILD- AND ADOLESCENT AND ADULT PSYCHIATRY SERVICES IN HIGH AND LOW INCOME SETTINGS.

In the afternoon of May 22nd I chaired the symposium WHAT DO CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT AND FEMICIDE HAVE TO DO WITH EACH OTHER? Gordon Harper (Harvard University) gave an introduction and I presented on coercive control which elicited a lot of emotional recognition as it seemed to be an all too common and familiar violence pattern in many parts of the world without it ever having been named as such. A special interest group (SIG) could help to gather knowledge about how to proceed to introduce the concept into the local fields as it seems to be much needed. Cecil Prins-Aardema concluded with her experiences at the psychiatric family clinic in The Netherlands where families are admitted to be assessed and reunited after domestic violence.

On Thursday 23rd I chaired the symposium RESILIENCE IN THE FACE OF ADVERSITY of 4 former Donald J. Cohen fellows, two of whom I mentored at the IACAPAP 2022 in Dubai and since: Nduku Wambua from Kenia working at Kwa Zulu Natal University in South Africa, Yvorn Aswad from Brown University in USA, Khalid Abdallah Abdalhai from Sudan and Mireia Solerdelcoll Arimany associated with King’s College London, UK and working at Hospital Clínic in Barcelona, Spain. Since Nduku and Khalid couldn’t be there unfortunately they carefully prepared their PowerPoints and notes to be presented by Mireia and Yvorn. The latter in turn did such a great job presenting twice, not making any difference between their own and their fellow’s presentations. Huge public appreciation of the symposium and very proud of all! Thanks to the possibility of online meetings this was a real joint effort from around the world to move child mental health in low and middle income settings forward.

In the afternoon of May 23rd the CO-CONSTRUCTIVE PATIENT SIMULATION (CCPS) WORLDWIDE: LIVE DEMONSTRATION WITH AN INTERNATIONAL GROUP OF CHILD PSYCHIATRY TRAINEES by Andrés Martin (Yale Child Study Center, USA) took place with Dr Ayesha Mian (Pakistan/USA) and Donald J. Cohen fellow Sabina Kucukalic (Bosnia and Herzegovina) in the position of Dr. Silva, Débora Chou and Emilio Abelama Neto (both from Brasil) as script writers and Laelia BENOIT (France/USA) acting as the simulated patient. They all did a great job and we all learned a lot reflecting on the case.

Great Cecil Prins-Aardema and I got to say a word at the closing ceremony of the Donald J. Cohen fellowship program.

May 3rd, 2024

We have been given two training spots for psychologists to become a psychotherapist starting 2025 in principle! One for child and adolescent psychotherapy and one for adult psychotherapy! Collaboration between IVP in Katwijk, Centrum Hecht and iMindU GGZ in Leiden.

April 19th, 2024

Looking forward to having Alexis Benedetto, a child psychiatry fellow from Yale Child Study Center (USA), for her elective at iMindU GGZ for the month of May!

March 21st, 2024

We have been acknowledged as a training practice (opleidingspraktijk), a practice for training to become a psychotherapist in collaboration with IVP in Katwijk and Centrum Hecht in Leiden! Now we hope to get two training spots for 2025-2029…one for child and adolescent psychotherapy and one for adult psychotherapy.

We also aim to collaborate with other mental health institutions for GZ- and KP-training.

March 5th, 2024

We had a renewal Dekra audit today and for the 4th time in a row no shortcomings whatsoever! Proud of our team aiming at continuous quality!

March 1st, 2024

Translation in English:
“In May 2018 I discovered my ideal practice space on the first floor of Rapenburg 34. It was love at first sight, with a fantastic view of the Academy Building. Little did I imagine which historical celebrities the building had housed: Abraham Elsevier and his sons of the academic printing family; Daniël van Ceulen who was a law professor and lawyer at the Court of Holland; professor of medicine Charles Drélincourt, also court physician to Louis XIV and consulting physician to King-Stadholder William III and Maria Stuart. Plus a handful of other celebrities. Their spirits maintain the good atmosphere praised by all guests.”

February 14th, 2024

We’re facing an-every-6-months-goodbye to our interns Zsuzsanna Nagy and Philip Corsi who we will miss in another two weeks since they became part of the team. We thank them for their great contributions to our team. We will welcome Romi Essel from Israel and Nikki Meijer (Dutch) per March 1st.

December 24th, 2023

We wish all readers happy holidays and a healthy 2024 that may help you realise your dreams!
Summarising 2023 we managed to survive despite challenges of sorts and increase the effectiveness of our honeycomb way of working and with great patient- and team satisfaction. We saw a population with backgrounds from all over the world and locally who had mostly complex issues to deal with and sometimes a few relatively simple issues. All those met inspired us through their being and sharing of innermost thoughts and emotions and they sparked our passion to do even better and increase our skills and knowledge of psychotherapy. We feel enriched and grateful for our patients for sharing. The municipality of Holland Rijnland calculated our treatment trajectories to be half the time than average compared to all other care providers and with half the amount of money and less than average number of treatment days over the past two years. Our own analysis showed that we spent on average only 13 months treatment time over the past 6 years on youth and adults together, including some treatments that took several years. We had no external or internal waiting list during the past 7 years. We aim to research and publish about our findings from different perspectives in 2024!

Besides we participated at international conferences as a team (IACAPAP, AACAP, ESCAP) and published several articles in (inter)national peer reviewed journals.
Within our team Giulia Iozzia is heading for her BIG-registration as a (health) GZ-psychologist as a recognition from her Italian license (an extremely bureaucratic process, almost there) and trained in CBT and MBT-A (adolescent and adult) and Carien Gelderblom got her BAD formalised. Inês Sabino da Costa, a former intern, joined the team and is getting her CBT basic course signed off and improving her Dutch. Khatun Mirsujan and Marie-Jose van Hoof trained in EMDR, (kid)NET and MBT (child, family, adolescent, adult). Carla Engele, parent management guide, PMTO-trainer, and in training for system therapist provided PMTO to several families. Dr. Mariel Meewisse, clinical psychologist, continued to provide monthly consultation in our team. She and Willem Guijt, psychiatrist, watched over patients and team during the past summer holidays. Nicole Muller, psychotherapist/MBT trainer provided MBT supervision and education together with colleagues among whom Masja Juffermans at Centrum Hecht. Anja Koster, clinical psychologist, provided EMDR supervision. Colleagues from ARQ provided NET and other trauma-related courses. Agnes Ligeon, child- and adolescent psychiatrist, is to retire per 2024 and left us her budget for which we are very grateful. We will miss her as a skilled, knowledgeable, dedicated colleague who watched over our patients summer 2022 and pioneered independently for over 20 years in Leiden, but of course grant her with new horizons to discover at her advanced age. Gijs Van der Zalm, system therapist/mediator and clinical psychologist/psychotherapist in rest, also in an advanced age, formally said goodbye but we can still collaborate and get consultation fortunately. We also thank our ICT-supporters, Happy Apples and e-clicker, for putting out all ICT-fires that burnt during the year and providing us with a safe digital environment to work in. We thank Vermetten accountants for supporting us throughout.

Also we had 4 (international and local) master students from Leiden University and Utrecht University that partook in our team and got their master and BAPD, the latter giving access with a LOGO to further postmaster training in psychology and/or orthopedagogy. We aim to collaborate with larger parties to provide postmaster training to become a GZ-psychologist, psychotherapist and a clinical psychologist as well.

For 2024 we have expanded our team with very skilled colleagues who we welcome: Trees van der Voorden, Masja Juffermans, Bahar Farshchi Jamshidabady, René Cané Molinari and dr. Mariel Meewisse. We hope to provide you with even more tailor-made and efficient care doing so.

Season’s greetings from the iMindU GGZ team!

December 4th, 2023

Today Marie-José van Hoof presented “COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on clinical practice” as part of
The Lorentz Center workshop: “COVID-19 Supporting Parents, Adolescents, and Children during Epidemics: Co-SPACE International Consortium meeting” in Leiden for an audience from all over the world from Japan, Australia, Ireland, UK, Indonesia, to Denmark and other countries. The students from Radboud University in Nijmegen who shared their experiences with the COVID-19 pandemic truly gave a good insight into what many students have experienced as well. Thank you Madelon Riem for the invitation!

December 1st, 2023

We welcome Bahar Farshchi Jamshidabady, creative therapist (“lichaamsgericht kunstzinnig therapeut”), en Mariel Meewisse PhD, clinical psychologist, into our team! They will be involved in multidisciplinary treatment of our patients.

November 28th, 2023

Marie-José van Hoof participated in the discussion panel of De Balie on ‘border crossing behaviour in the danceworld’, see or Her answers can be seen from 37 minutes and 19 seconds onwards.

November 24th, 2023

We welcome René Cané Molinari, psychotherapist and PhD candidate Maastricht University, Masja Juffermans, (health) GZ-psychologist/EMDR practitioner/MBTpractitioner, and Trees van der Voorden, orthopedagoog-generalist/(health) GZ-psychologist/EMDR practitioner/former physiotherapist into our team! René will conduct a group therapy together with Giulia Iozzia; Masja will be involved with MBT patient care; Trees will be involved with patient care youth and young adults and has a specialty in autism.

November 23rd, 2023

Sozio published an article on intimate terror/coercive control that Marie-Jose van Hoof authored together with Sander van Arum and Ine Avontuur which can be ordered through their website:–sozio-4-huiselijk-geweld/1032094

November 9th, 2023

Today Marie-Jose van Hoof was an invited speaker at the symposium ‘Leer beter kijken naar kindermishandeling’ [Have a closer look at child abuse] at the Reinier de Graaf Gasthuis in Delft, presenting on why it is important for medical specialists and paramedics who treat physical complaints to know whether someone had adverse childhood events or experiences violence and how to deal with it. [Waarom is het voor professionals die lichamelijke klachten behandelen belangrijk te weten of iemand nare jeugdervaringen heeft of geweld meemaakt? En hoe hiermee om te gaan?].

October 31st, 2023

Today the municipality Holland Rijnland (Leiden e.o.) presented us with fantastic news about our performance over the past two years since we were contracted for specialised youth mental health care.The trajectories we offered were half the length compared to the average length of trajectories offered by all other care providers in the municipality and they costed half the amount of money and the number of days spent on treatment were below the average number of days spent by all other care providers.This combined with no waiting list during the past 6 years, our practice being based on scientific evidence and insights, Sustainable Development Goals, high quality standards from NVvP and HKZ, the therapeutic relationship, a certain, green, way of working, highly specialised, multidisciplinary therapy also for non-Dutch speaking patients, usually with complex problems/psychopathology, collaboration with universities to provide internships for master students in psychology and orthopedagogy and high patient ánd employee satisfaction we are proud of our joint effort and hard work during the past 6 years to accomplish this result as a team.

Since we work the same way for adults we’re convinced the same goes for them and insist that health insurance contract us for reasonable tariffs (=NZa tariff) for the benefit of patients despite us being small. CZ/Ohra/Nationale Nederlanden and DSW/StadHolland offered a contract for 2024. Since 2022 there is an RMO/RMA contract for asylum seekers and displaced persons and we recently got an agreement with CAK for non or not well enough insured patients.

Also our results from the specialised mental health care for youth show that Zorgvraagtypering is not necessary to provide excellent care without waiting list. Hopefully AKWA, Health care insurance companies, Zorgverzekeraars Nederland, NZa and the Ministry VWS want to have a close look at it by offering sponsoring for a pilot project and further research. We are describing our way of working in an article and would like to get it invested further for the benefit of all.

October 16th, 2023

In case of Acute Stress Disorder or traumatic grief due to the developments in Israel, Gaza or Ukraine you can contact us for a fast intake.

October 8th, 2023

The first ever Nederlands DoktersOrkest (Dutch Doctors’ Orchestra) played a beautiful concert at the Geertekerk in Utrecht after having rehearsed for only 3 days. Marie-José van Hoof participated with violin. The program consisted of works composed by Andriessen (Ricercare), Bosmans (Concertstuk voor viool), Chausson (Poème voor viool) and Shostakovich (Symfonie nr. 9), directed by Jeppe Moulin with soloist Emmy Storms. The benefits of € 4.500 went to Doctors without Frontiers (Artsen zonder Grenzen). The need after the terror attack by Hamas in Israel being immediate.

September 29th, 2023

The CONNECT data about ACES were presented by Marie-José van Hoof at the ARQ International Conference in Hilversum today “The predictive value of adverse childhood events for wellbeing and mental health symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic” and received well.

September 7th, 2023

We are able to have students with just an EHIC-card or AON insurance or from outside the EU from now on. Besides we have an RMO/RMA contract for refugees and displaced people.

September 1st, 2023

Zsuzsanna Nagy from Hungary (Leiden University) and Philip Corsi from Germany (Utrecht University) have joined us for their internship from September 2023 till March 2024. Welcome!

We have parted from Tessa Gardien (Dutch) and Pooja Heyn (from Germany) and thank them for their great contributions to our team and patient care! It was a pleasure having you and we hope to meet again!

August 30th, 2023

Artikel in Trouw over dwingende controle gepubliceerd. Ine Avontuur en Marie-José van Hoof
Femicide 1


August 3rd, 2023

Giulia Iozzia passed her AKV exam that is required to get her license as psychologist registered as BIG GZ-psychologist! We cannot wait for the BIG!

Mattea Degabriele Fiott from Malta got her master thesis approved, she did well, and will receive her master in child and adolescent psychology soon. She has done her internship and master with iMindU.

Congratulations to both of them!


June 30th, 2023

Proud of our CCPS team today! Marie-Aude Piot, child and adolescent psychiatrist at University of Paris-Cité, Necker-Hôpital Enfants Malades, and I just had a great time presenting the Co-Constructive Patient Simulation (©Andrés Martin, Yale Child Study Centre) in a workshop at #ESCAP2023 in Copenhagen with Giulia Iozzia and Khatun Mirsujan volunteering as amazingly good actors (next career?) in a particular culturally sensitive clinical case script prepared by the French colleagues. Three doctor Jones’ (from Denmark, France/Canada and Italy) in the hotseat and an engaged public. Thank you also Rikke Juhl for the recording and a volunteer in the corridor for keeping one door shut. A lot of interest from different countries to implement CCPS.


June 29th, 2023

Today we presented our honeycomb concept of integrated personalised specialised mental health care as we have developed it at iMindU GGZ at the ESCAP in Copenhagen and got interested reactions from different countries.


June 1st, 2023

Inês Sabino da Costa from Portugal/Canada received her clinical and her research master in child and adolescent psychology and has joined our team as a psychologist MSc after an extended internship with us! We welcome her into our team!


April 30th, 2023

Our article on Structural Equation Modeling of treatment-related changes in neural connectivity for youth with PTSD is in press at the Journal of Affective Disorders, see

fMRI before and after 16 weeks of TF-CBT in n=20 youth with PTSD and the same number of health controls. The applied SEM showed greater connectivity in the PTSD group than HC at baseline. From pre- to post-treatment, connectivity in the paths from dorsal cingulate to both anterior and posterior cingulate decreased significantly in the PTSD group, as did connectivity from right hippocampus to left superior temporal gyrus. This suggests a central role for the dorsal cingulate cortex in PTSD symptoms as the source of modulation of anterior and posterior cingulate cortex during TF-CBT.

Amy S. Garrett, Wei Zhang, Larry R. Price, Jeremyra Cross, Natalia Gomez-Guiliani, Marie-José van Hoof, Victor Carrion, Judith A. Cohen


April 26th, 2023

Our former colleague Ilanit Erijman (from Argentina/Israël) let us know that she finally got her BIG registration as a psychotherapist in the Netherlands. Mazal tov! Our congratulations!


April 16th, 2023

Our thoughts go to Khalid Abdallah Abdalhai, child and adolescent psychiatrist in Khartum, these days of violence. We whish he and his family may stay safe.


April 4th, 2023

We passed our third year HKZ-certification for small organisations audit by Dekra with compliments again! The auditor mentioned she was struck by the carefulness applied and teameffort made to implement the PDCA-cycle in every respect of the practice logistics in order to create a therapeutic environment for patients and employees alike. The five year results of patientsatisfaction from the CQI showed a score of 8.2 and from the WAV a score of 8.7!


March 29th-31st, 2023

Samen met Mariel Meewisse, klinisch psycholoog @Abate, en Christiaan Vinkers, hoogleraar stressgerelateerde stoornissen en veerkracht aan de UvA heeft Marie-José van Hoof het state-of-the-art symposium van de Afdeling Psychotherapie “De effectiviteit van Psychotherapie” vormgegeven op het Voorjaarscongres 2023 van de NVvP in Maastricht op vrijdag 31 maart, voorgezeten door Dorien Philipszoon en van ervaringsdeskundigheid voorzien door Wilma Vendel.


March 28th, 2023

We are happy that Zsuzsanna Nagy from Hungary and Philip Corsi from Germany/Italy will join us for an internship from September 2023 onwards for half a year. New openings for internships per March 2024. One for a Dutch student, one for an international student. Applications will be selected June 2023.


March 25th, 2023

Bijzonder de film Dalva, genomineerd voor de Grand Jury Fiction Award, van commentaar te hebben mogen voorzien op de Trouw Publieksdag tijdens het Movies that Matter festival in Theater aan het Spui in Den Haag! Met dank aan Remke de Lange, filmcriticus Trouw, voor de mooie dialoog en Liedewei Lootens, student politicologie/internationale betrekkingen VU, voor het organiseren van de gelegenheid! Voor wie deze bijzondere film gemist heeft: vanaf 4 mei wordt Dalva vertoond in de bioscoop. Een MustSee.
Met dank aan het hele (support)team op de tribune!


March 10th, 2023

Marie-José van Hoof has been invited to comment on the film Dalva at the Public Day of Trouw during the Movies that Matter festival on March 25th (4-6 pm, Theater aan het Spui, Den Haag). The session will be in Dutch, the movie is in French with English subtitling, see


March 1st, 2023

Per the first of March we welcomed Pooja Heyn (from Germany/India) and Tessa Gardien (from the Netherlands) as our new interns, thanking Elise van Triest for her service during the past half year. We’re happy to have Inês Sabino da Costa (from Portugal/Canada) stay for an extended internship.


February 10th, 2023

The think tank of the interdisciplinary bachelor honours class ‘Building Bridges’ of Radboud University came to visit us for their kick-off of ‘Kind uit Huis’ (Child out-of-home) project. The coming four months will be spent on making a plan on improving out-of-home placement decisions. The honours class will also pay a visit to Switzerland to get informed about their Child Protection Service system.


February 6th, 2023

Our abstracts for presentations at Voorjaarscongres NVvP in Maastricht (March 2023) and at ESCAP in Copenhagen (June 2023) were accepted! The first oral presentation will be about ‘Psychotherapy and the body’ as part of a state-of-the-art symposium of the Psychotherapy section of the NVvP together with Christiaan Vinkers and Mariel Meewisse and, the second oral presentation will be about our honeycomb service model. Besides a Co-Constructive Patient Simulation workshop will be held in collaboration with child and adolescent psychiatrists Marie-Aude Piot from the Université de Paris in France and Andrés Martin from Yale Child Study Center in New Haven, CT, USA.


February 1st, 2023

We had a surprise visit from Monterrey, Mexico today: Paloma Guzman, a former intern, came to share her master diploma that she got just handed out across the canal at the Academy building with us, disguised as a package that she said she had sent…


January 29th, 2023

We have started our online monthly Donald J. Cohen Fellows mentoring group working on set up of child mental health programs and research in areas where there is no child psychiatrist that lack infrastructure and trained professionals (Sudan, Kurdistan/Iraq, Pakistan, Spain). All passionate and ambitious early career child psychiatrists with huge challenges ahead. It is great to be able to guide and witness the process as a mentor!


January 11th, 2023

Joining the monthly online international Co-constructive Patient Simulation project from Yale with continuous learning effects.


December 28th, 2022

We’re happy to announce that we can offer a limited number of displaced persons and asylum seekers specialised mental health care, in particular trauma treatment, on an RMA/RMO care agreement since this month.


December 8th, 2022

It is a great privilege to mentor the Donald J. Cohen Fellowship Program again, this time in Dubai. The value of meeting face-to-face on personal leadership, mental health service setup and research skills with early career child psychiatrists from mostly low and middle income countries is obvious.
Empowering each other is easier on the job without an interfering screen. The challenges facing the fellows are tremendous regarding getting funding, getting access to resources like self-help guidelines and facilities to build capacity within a system that doesn’t sustain child psychiatry. We’ll set up a consultation possibility for those fellows wishing to get a listening ear or advise on their cases and difficulties. This way the experience of this week can grow roots during time.


November 25, 2022 – No internship openings till March 2024

It is great to get very good applications from interns who want to join our practice. However, due to an enormous amount of requests for internships especially by international master students in psychology from several universities we have to announce that we close the application opportunity for one opening for an internship by a Dutch speaking student and one for an international non-Dutch speaking student in March 2024 till June 2023. That means that we don’t answer your request directed to or sent in the post and that we don’t keep your request in archive.


September 29, 2022

Per September 20th we have welcomed Birgit Jaarsma-Mollers in our team as a psychologist and behavioural therapist in training, specialised in dyslexia, dyscalculia and other learning disorders and learning problems, also in combination with high ability functioning. Besides Birgit is a professional musician, conductor and teacher. Birgit will set up a special care program for children, parents and teachers to better deal with learning disorders and learning problems.You will hear more about it in a few months!


August 28th, 2022

Per September 1st we welcome to our team Annemiek Rooijmans who will join the secretariat and coordinate admissions among others. Also we welcome two new interns: Inês Sabino da Costa from Portugal (English speaking) and Elise van Triest (Dutch speaking).


August 11th, 2022

Our general and billing conditions are updated for all actual and future patients from August 11th onwards because of receipt of the WTZA license for a mental health institution (GGZ-instelling) and associated AGB-code which count in retrospect from 01-01-2022 onwards.


June 12th, 2022

Vacature voor klinisch psycholoog, psychotherapeut, GZ-psycholoog
Vacature voor (kinder- en jeugd)psychiater

zie ‘job openings’


May 25, 2022

We had a great teamday again. After a tour of Leiden by Marieke Schröder from Rondleiding Leiden and a beautiful view of the city from the water by boat (Koene Parmentier from Schuitjevaart), we enjoyed a delicious lunch at Downies & Brownies. In the afternoon, Robbert Jansen from Aspire for the second time facilitated a teambuilding session, continuing and looking back upon the past year. He commented our team has an extraordinary basis in trust, solving conflict, commitment, accountability and serving our mission and vision from his experience. Proud of our team!


March 8,  2022

We regularly receive requests for master or research internships. New openings only March 2023 for a master internship. Research internship available.


March 5,  2022

Happy to announce that we passed our second year HKZ-KO audit by Dekra with compliments! This certification concerns quality management of the practice in all aspects beyond professional quality criteria such as those of the Dutch Society of Psychiatrists (NVvP). The latter have been audited fall 2021 and were found to be very good (Kwaliteitsvisitatie and IFMS).


March 1,  2022

March 1st we are happy to welcome two new interns:
Leiden University international intern student in clinical and health psychology Paloma Guzman from Mexico speaking Spanish, English and Italian and intern student developmental psychology Nina Makaske who will be seeing Dutch and English speaking patients with us. Paloma will also work on her master thesis with us.


February 4,  2022

Internal training in English on conducting the AAI and WMCI. A joyful try out for external trainings later on during the year. Keep an eye on the website (a renewed one coming soon).


January 27,  2022

Our practice by pure chance or serendipity featured on the front page of the Leiden 2022 European City of Science premiere film! We are still looking for (corporate) sponsors to make the Public Day of July 6th on Kapla a great experience for young and old. If you like to be included and/or are the sponsor we are looking for, please contact us at 088-2919677.
The Kapla website will appear in February.


January 25,  2022

Congratulations to Carien Gelderblom who successfully completed an extensive training in parent management guidance.


January 13,  2022

As a team we completed the very interesting MASIC and NICHD trainings by prof. dr. Corine de Ruiter, prof. dr. Henry Otgaar en Aniek Leistra.


January 12,  2022

Congratulations to Khatun Mirsujan who managed to get acknowledged as a psychotherapist in the Netherlands within 8 months after her registration with highest distinction as such in Germany.


January 1,  2022

We wish you an inspiring and healthy New Year!
Treatment agreement and billing and general conditions have been updated per 01-01-2022, see here at the website, and for adults NZA tariffs are valid, as well as the forms of the registration and admission package. Call us when you want to register. We are busy becoming recognised as a mental health institution (GGZ-instelling) and will invoice accordingly (see

We are working on a new, more intuitive website in English as well as in Dutch. We keep you posted when these are in the air!


November 21,  2021

iMindU first jubilee – eerste lustrum

Ter ere van het 5-jarig bestaan van iMindU worden er voor elke patiënt twee bomen gepland in het Balfour Woud in de buurt van Nazareth, Israël. Hier werken uiteenlopende religieuze gemeenschappen samen aan herstel, onderhoud en recreatiemogelijkheden van het bos. #Trees4Peace

In honor of the first jubilee of iMindU two trees are being planted per patient in the Balfour Forest near Nazareth, Israël. Here communities with a diverse religious background collaborate to restore, maintain and create recreation opportunities (in) the forest. #Treas4Peace


November 10,  2021

Today Marie-José Van Hoof was installed as an ambassador for the city of Leiden.


November 4,  2021

The Next Women grants an EarthToday 10m2 piece of Earth in Simalaha Community Conservancy, Zambia

In het FemPower your Growth programma van de drie grote banken en een aantal grote consultancies waaraan onze praktijkhouder als vrouwelijke ondernemer in de zorg mag deelnemen spreken een heel aantal inspirerende mensen die zich inzetten voor People Planet Profit Prosperity. Hoe ontroerend om van EarthToday 10m2 Aarde toegewezen te krijgen om voor te zorgen: in mijn geval SIMALAHA COMMUNITY CONSERVANCY mede beschermd door Peace Parks Foundation. Kijk snel hoe je zelf de Aarde mee kan helpen beschermen via Earth Today (


October 8,  2021

Podcast from Leaders Into the Wild on the neuroscience of a trail

Boy and his son Niek van Droffelaar mentioned the Kapla project-to-be (from 25:24 minutes into the podcast) that hopefully will be performed before and at the Public Awareness Day July 6th, 2022 as part of Leiden 2022 European City of Science. More in the next podcast # 09 in November 2021!



September 6,  2021

Vacature GZ-psycholoog/systeemtherapeut en Psychotherapeut/Klinisch psycholoog/EMDR practitioner

Heb je liefst 5 jaar ervaring in jouw functie, wil je een opleidingspraktijk mee helpen opzetten in samenwerking met andere (potentiële) opleidingspraktijken? Ben je op zoek naar een persoonlijke, internationale werkomgeving als BIG-geregistreerd GZ-psycholoog/systeemtherapeut dan wel psycho(trauma)therapeut/klinisch psycholoog/EMDR practitioner kinderen, jeugd, volwassenen voor 3-5 dagen/week in een kleinschalig maar multidisciplinair op maat werkend team in Leiden? Of wil je een team in Amsterdam, Den Haag of Eindhoven helpen opzetten volgens het concept van iMindU? Neem dan contact op met ons. Meertaligheid en ruime ervaring met diverse trauma- en mentaliserende behandelingen strekt tot aanbeveling. Sollicitatie met cv naar o.v.v. vacature GGZ-professional of bel 088-2919677.  

Wat bieden wij je?
Afhankelijk van opleiding en ervaring:
wordt de functie voor GZ-psycholoog/orthopedagoog-generalist, tevens systeemtherapeut, ingedeeld in FWG-functiegroep 65 volgens CAO GGZ (€ 3.465,- t/m € 5.439,-) bruto per maand op basis van een werkweek van 36 uur.

wordt de functie voor psychotherapeut ingedeeld in FWG-functiegroep 70 volgens CAO GGZ (€ 4758,- t/m € 6564,-) bruto per maand op basis van een werkweek van 36 uur.

wordt de functie voor klinische psycholoog/psychotherapeut ingedeeld in FWG-functiegroep 70/75 volgens CAO GGZ (€ 4758,- t/m € 7934,-) bruto per maand op basis van een werkweek van 36 uur.

In alle functies betreft het een arbeidsovereenkomst voor een jaar en daarna wordt het bij goed functioneren en wederzijdse tevredenheid over de samenwerking omgezet naar een vast dienstverband.

Bij aanstelling wordt een Verklaring Omtrent Gedrag (VOG) gevraagd, worden diploma’s gecontroleerd en referenties ingewonnen. Ook wordt er een integriteitscontrole via het Waarschuwingsregister Zorg & Welzijn uitgevoerd.


September 1,  2021

New interns

September 1st we are happy to welcome two new interns:
Leiden University international intern student Mattea Degabriele Fiott from Malta speaking English, Maltese, Italian and French and VU University Amsterdam intern student Marina Volpe García who will be seeing Dutch, English and Spanish speaking patients with us. Both honors students and both will also work on their master thesis with us, Mattea on parenting style and personality development, Marina on Adverse Childhood Events (ACEs) and outcome of treatment in our patient population and on ACEs in a Dutch and European dataset collected during the recent pandemic. We thank Eveline Vos for her great contributions to patient care staying with us as an honors student intern during the past half year and welcome her in our team coaching the interns. Per March 2022 we welcome Paloma Guzman from Mexico, speaking Spanish, Italian and English and Nina Makaske, a Dutch and English speaking intern. Ella van Beers, a Canadian student in Health and Medical Psychology at Leiden University, will start with a research internship.

Internship vacancy for one international English speaking student and one Dutch speaking student per September 2022 and per March 2023. Also possibility to do master thesis with accessible data sets. Send in a motivational letter and CV with scores record from your bachelor to


July 26,  2021

English or Dutch-spoken groups for adolescents and young adults with mental health problems

From mid-september we will start a weekly group for young adults (18-30 years) with affective and stressor-related mental health problems in addition to their individual treatment at iMindU to create peer support in these times of social isolation due to Covid-19. If possible we will also start a group for adolescents (15-18 years) with similar problems. Depending on who will participate, groups will be English or Dutch spoken. Group therapists: Gijs van der Zalm with Iozzia and Khatun Mirsujan.


July 23,  2021


For each patient we have a tree planted in the Balfour Forest east of Nazareth, Israel (see, In this forest communities with a mix of mainly Jewish, Muslim, and Christian backgrounds collaborate in reviving the forest that has been impacted by illness of trees and fires, along the way also improving their mutual understanding and social cohesion across communities, as a microcosmos example of peaceful dialogue and living.

Since iMindU will exist 5 years upcoming November 21st 2021, we will double the number of trees for patients treated so far by then. See also or



June 16,  2021

Teamdag @ De Hoorneboeg

Robbert Jansen van Aspire Company en facilitator bij de Foundation for Natural Leadership verzorgde voor ons een prachtige dag op de hei bij De Hoorneboeg in Hilversum. Het team omschreef het werken bij iMindU als volgt: openheid, veiligheid, gezelligheid, goede sfeer, respectvol, ruimte voor diversiteit, laagdrempeligheid, patiënten voelen zich op hun gemak, gericht op samenwerking, aandacht voor details, zorg op maat, gastvrijheid, ruimte voor iedereen, passie voor het vak, zorg voor patiënt is leidend, zelfstandigheid, vriendelijkheid, waardering van teamspirit en pro-activiteit.

Meer weten over wat ‘natural leadership’ behelst en over de FNL? Luister de podcasts van Boy en Niek van Droffelaar podcast #01 | De olifant en vertrouwen | Leaders Into the Wild” podcast #02 | Arnoud’s boom en de impact van natuur | Leaders Into the Wild”podcast #03 | Het vertrouwen van Annelies en leiderschap | Leaders Into the Wild”podcast #04 | Eenvoud, Theory U en Niek’s Afrikaanse Mama | Leaders Into the Wild”podcast #05 | De baviaan van Hans en over het emotionele brein | Leaders Into the Wild”podcast #06 | Leonard Cohen, Louis van Gaal en Placido Domingo over de 4 niveaus van luisteren | Leaders Into the Wild”podcast #07 | De neurowetenschap van een trail | Leaders Into the Wild”podcast #08 | Het effect van de trail op de organisatie | Leaders Into the Wild” En zie en


June 7,  2021

HKZ-Kleine Organisaties certificering!

Dekra heeft iMindU het certificaat HKZ-norm 143 toegekend per 27 mei 2021! Dit is een kwaliteitskeurmerk voor kleine organisaties in de GGZ en staat voor voortdurende gestandaardiseerde verbetering van alle processen en systemen in de praktijk en dat dit getoetst is door een onafhankelijke externe partij, te weten DEKRA. Met het voldoen aan de HKZ-norm 143 wordt ook voldaan aan de NEN 7510, 7512 en 7513 normen. Tevens voldoet iMindU aan de MVO prestatieladder waarmee de Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelen van de Verenigde Naties worden onderschreven.

iMindU was certified for HKZ-KO (norm 143) by testing and certification company DEKRA on May 27, 2021. This demonstrates that iMindU meets quality criteria for continuous monitoring and improvement of processes and systems in the practice. HKZ-KO helps iMindU to not rest in improving itself along the way. In being certified for HKZ-KO norm 143 iMindU also qualifies for NEN 7510, 7512, and 7513 norms and People, Planet & Profit policy for organizations and businesses that endorse the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

iMindU is a growing multidisciplinary practice in specialized mental health care. Patientcare is organized according to the honeycomb-beehive principle.iMindU aims to become a teaching practice with specialization in stressor-related disorders, affective disorders, OCD, somatoforme disorders, attachment, emotion regulation, intergenerational loss and trauma, and personality development. A unique characteristic is that we provide this care for expats in particular.

The certification was carried out by DEKRA, one of the largest testing and certification institutions in the world. DEKRA has extensive expertise in auditing and certifying management systems in the field of quality, safety, sustainability, and information security.
5820 FC

May 28,  2021

Online Teaching: NIFP lecture

Honored to have provided an online two-hour-lecture on “Attachment in forensic practice and report” to psychologists and psychiatrists reporting for the Netherlands Institute for Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology (NIFP) May 27th.


May 12,  2021

New team member

Per June 1st we welcome Khatun Mirsujan<\strong>, who qualified as a child and adolescent psychotherapist with distinction in Germany, in our team. Being educated at the University of Groningen (bachelor psychology) and Leiden University (master child and adolescent clinical psychology with distinction) she is acquainted with the Netherlands. She speaks Dutch, English, German and Armenian.


May 4,  2021

Externe audit HKZ goed verlopen

De externe audit HKZ-norm 143 is voorspoedig verlopen en we zijn nu in afwachting van hopelijk HKZ-Kleine Organisaties certificering.

The external audit HKZ-norm 143 (a quality mark) went well and we are waiting for HKZ-Small Organizations certification.


April 19,  2021

Vacature GZ-psycholoog/systeemtherapeut en Psychotherapeut/Klinisch psycholoog/EMDR practitioner

Heb je liefst 3 jaar ervaring in jouw functie, wil je een opleidingspraktijk mee helpen opzetten in samenwerking met andere (potentiële) opleidingspraktijken? Ben je op zoek naar een persoonlijke, internationale werkomgeving als BIG-geregistreerd GZ-psycholoog/systeemtherapeut dan wel psycho(trauma)therapeut/klinisch psycholoog/EMDR practitioner kinderen, jeugd, volwassenen voor 3-5 dagen/week in een kleinschalig maar multidisciplinair op maat werkend team in Leiden? Of wil je een team in Amsterdam of Den Haag helpen opzetten volgens het concept van iMindU? Neem dan contact op met iMindU. Meertaligheid en ruime ervaring met diverse trauma- en mentaliserende behandelingen strekt tot aanbeveling. Sollicitatie met cv naar o.v.v. vacature GGZ-professional of bel 088-2919677.  

Wat bieden wij je?
Afhankelijk van opleiding en ervaring:
wordt de functie voor GZ-psycholoog/orthopedagoog-generalist, tevens systeemtherapeut, ingedeeld in FWG-functiegroep 65 volgens CAO GGZ (€ 3.465,- t/m € 5.439,-) bruto per maand op basis van een werkweek van 36 uur.

wordt de functie voor psychotherapeut ingedeeld in FWG-functiegroep 70 volgens CAO GGZ (€ 4758,- t/m € 6564,-) bruto per maand op basis van een werkweek van 36 uur.

wordt de functie voor klinische psycholoog/psychotherapeut ingedeeld in FWG-functiegroep 70/75 volgens CAO GGZ (€ 4758,- t/m € 7934,-) bruto per maand op basis van een werkweek van 36 uur.

In alle functies betreft het een arbeidsovereenkomst voor een jaar en daarna wordt het bij goed functioneren en wederzijdse tevredenheid over de samenwerking omgezet naar een vast dienstverband.

Bij aanstelling wordt een Verklaring Omtrent Gedrag (VOG) gevraagd, worden diploma’s gecontroleerd en referenties ingewonnen. Ook wordt er een integriteitscontrole via het Waarschuwingsregister Zorg & Welzijn uitgevoerd.


April 5,  2021


iMindU is begonnen aan het traject om gecertificeerd te raken volgens HKZ143 (Kleine Organisaties) om contractering met gemeenten mogelijk te maken. Gelukkig blijken we al een heel eind op dreef te zijn volgens de proef audit. Meer nieuws mei 2021!


March 27,  2021

The cycle of abuse and loss

How come adverse experiences like child abuse and neglect and/or sexual abuse and consequences of loss in families seem to be transmitted from generation to generation?

Hoe komt het dat er vaak van generatie op generatie nare ervaringen, zoals kindermishandeling, verwaarlozing en/of seksueel misbruik en gevolgen van verlies, in families lijken te worden doorgegeven?

Giulia Iozzia, MSc, psycholoog en onderzoeker bij iMindU
te Leiden

Vraag en antwoord in NtVP katern Impact Magazine nr. 1, p. 54-55
NtVP-katern_Impact Magazine 2021-1


March 18,  2021

Lezing voor Leidse Studievereniging Kindermishandeling

Lecture for Leiden Study society Child maltreatment
This evening an online interactive lecture was given for members and participants through the Leiden Study society Child maltreatment about what cases a child and adolescent psychiatrist encounters, what consequences intergenerational violence has, and how this can be best treated. What obstacles do people have to overcome to break the cycle of violence?

Vanavond een online interactieve lezing gehouden voor leden en deelnemers vanuit de Leidse Studievereniging Kindermishandeling over wat een kinder- en jeugdpsychiater tegenkomt aan gevallen van kindermishandeling en huiselijk geweld, wat voor gevolgen dit heeft voor mensen door de generaties heen en hoe dit het beste behandeld kan worden. Wat voor obstakels moeten mensen overwinnen om de vicieuze cirkel van geweld te doorbreken?


February 18,  2021

Children of the world

Margreet van der Wel-Verra, secretary @ iMindU, has handcrafted several ‘children of the world’ puppets for use at our practice. Proud of her talent to create these!


February 17,  2021

Start stagiaire

Vandaag is Eveline Vos, masterstudent kinder- en jeugdpsychologie Universiteit Leiden, gestart met haar stage in het kader van het behalen van de BAPD-aantekening voor een half jaar. Wij verwelkomen haar in het team!

Today masterstudent child and adolescent psychology Leiden University Eveline Vos has started her internship in diagnostics at our practice for half a year. We welcome her in our team!

From September onwards we hope to welcome Mattea Degabriele Fiott from L-Università ta’ Malta (Malta University) for her half-year internship in diagnostics as an international masterstudent child and adolescent psychology at Leiden University.

Next available internship March 1st 2022.

December 28,  2020

Samenwerking met praktijkinstelling voor GZ-psycholoog/orthopedagoog-generalist en psychotherapeut/klinisch psycholoog gezocht

iMindU streeft ernaar een opleidingspraktijk te worden voor GGZ-profesionals en zoekt daarom samenwerking met een al erkende praktijkinstelling. Bij interesse, mail graag naar o.v.v. samenwerking praktijkinstelling t.a.v. M.J. van Hoof of bel 088-2919677.


November 27-December 4, 2020

Online Donald J. Cohen Fellowship mentorship

Exciting to be mentor once again to a wonderful group of Donald J. Cohen fellows from around the globe! These child and adolescent psychiatrists, pediatricians and child psychologists will be participating in the first online IACAPAP congress ever from Singapore and in addition attend an intensive small group program about leadership, innovation and research in the field of public mental health. Looking forward to a wonderful week!


November 16, 2020

Never Alone

Proud to present the musical letter ‘Never Alone’ composed by Iris Hond, concertpianist, for those afflicted by domestic violence and child abuse and neglect.

The letter is being presented during the ‘Week against Child Abuse’

Funding comes from private donations to the AMOR & PSYCHE initiative @ Bontius Stichting LUMC, Augeo Foundation and Kenniscentrum Kinder- en Jeugdpsychiatrie.

More about the AMOR & PSYCHE initiative see under iMindU Academy and


November 9, 2020

De Juiste Zorg op de Juiste Plek

Het ministerie van VWS, De Juiste Zorg op de Juiste Plek heeft iMindU opgenomen als goed voorbeeld van netwerkgeneeskunde! Trots op ons team!

The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports has nominated iMindU as a good example of network medicine and has paid attention to our practice at their website! Proud of our team!


November 3, 2020

Blended/Online 3-daagse RINO cursus voor orthopedagogen-generalist i.o. over Intergenerationeel Trauma en Geweld  afgerond

Met veel plezier  een leuke groep orthopedagogen generalist binnenkort BIG-geregistreerd een overzicht gegeven van het brede veld van intergenerationeel trauma en geweld vanuit onze geïmproviseerde studio aan het Rapenburg.


Blended/Online 3-day RINO course for BIG-registration as ‘orthopedagoog-generalist’ on Intergenerational Trauma and Violence conducted

An overview of the topic from our improvised studio at the Rapenburg.




September 8, 2020

Re-PAIR study


If you’re feeling depressed, Dutch speaking and between 11-17 years old, you may be asked to participate in the Leiden University Re-PAIR study. It’s a study about the interaction between parents and children with depressive symptoms. It includes filling out questionnaires and a two-week diary, participating in individual and interaction tasks and an fMRI scan. Your participation in the study or non-participation in the study doesn’t influence your treatment at iMindU. Questions? E-mail or ph. 06-33565631.


August 22, 2020

European Research Study CONNECT

You’re most welcome to participate in a European research study ‘CONNECT’ about your adaptations and experiences during the COVID-19 crisis.

flyer_CONNECT study


May 3, 2020

Brainwash talk Jim van Os: de patiënt centraal

Commemoration essay May 4 2020


by Ilse Raaijmakers & Bertine Mitima-Verloop

Corona Doeboek

An empowerment book about corona for children and parents in Dutch made by two students Fleur Naus en Estelle Stappen doeboek_talenti_a_casa

April 17, 2020

Join research project: Raising kids during COVID-19 pandemic | Doe mee aan onderzoek: Opvoeden tijdens COVID-19 uitbraak

in Dutch though….

Doe mee aan het onderzoek ‘opvoeden tijdens de corona crisis’


April 13, 2020

Games for families

Xonar has made a book for family games, in Dutch though. If you’d like to translate it into English, please contact us.


Baukje Winsemius library

Part of the books about psycho-analytic and psychiatric topics we hold are heritage from the professional library of the late Baukje Winsemius, a child and adolescent psychiatrist, kindly donated by her daughter Maaike Bade.


April 7, 2020

Spotting bears in the window

We add to fun for kids when they wander the streets to spot bears in the windows.

Online meditation option

Online birdwatching course

Want a different type of focused attention or meditation? Join the free online course by the Bird protection society

Online poetry course

The Poetry Class – met Gershwin Bonevacia


April 6, 2020

Maintain your physical condition and movement

Rob van der Hoorn, Aiki-trainer, offers free online training for iMindU patients, see his website


April 4, 2020

Art for children, adolescents and adults in quarantaine

Margareth Meulmeester, the artist who also made the iMindU logo, shares some of her secrets in painting with all who love art, feel bored, or like to try something new in these two videos below. Find out more at


April 3, 2020

De Juiste Zorg op de Juiste Plek

iMindU has been chosen by the Ministry of Health and Sports, program “The right care at the right spot” to be interviewed about its innovative care concept. We’ll keep you posted when the webpage has been published!


March 27, 2020

25-year-jubilee as a Medical Doctor

The Society of Dutch Female Doctors (VNVA) congratulated Marie-José van Hoof on her 25-year-jubilee as a Medical Doctor.



March 16, 2020

COVID-19 measures

In accordance with the governmental measures taken to flatten the Covid-19 curve of cases please do not come to our practice when you cough or sneeze or have a fever but stay at home and call the GGD. Otherwise you are welcome to visit us. We will keep a distance of 1.5 meters as advised and will not shake hands. We use disinfecting measures to reduce risks to a minimum. If you do not feel comfortable to come at all, the therapy sessions will continue by zoom, phone call or conference call.


November 25, 2019

Streaming Downpour Resurfacing possible!

Please also donate to the Talent4Research Fund, see!

Downpour Resurfacing – Nederlands from Frances on Vimeo.

Downpour Resurfacing tracesRobert Hall’s rekindling sense of self and strength, despite the childhood sexual and physical abuses that he recounts. As Robert navigates the repercussions of abuse on slf esteem, images and sounds lead into the somatic dream world, into realms not verbal, where the traumas take hold. The senses of disconnection and double life that develops from hidden trauma echoes through an allegorical montage of found footage and new film collaged and overlapped, slowed and sped, like memories under duress. A tea master pours, cleans, offers: church windows and laundry, mother and son, tea and sustenance, care takers and breakers, home. Breaking down memory blocks and denial spurs the need to find peace with abuse. Dancers communicate in movement and rhythms the trauma and its thawing as bodies hold and release it. Where grief and hatred might otherwise take root, Robert speaks without shame from personal experience, illuminating peace-making responses to intrusion and betrayal of all kinds.

“Brilliant, thoughtful, and heartrending – Downpour Resufacing offers a tearing story of drama and the healing rein of wisdom.” – Jack Kornfield, Author of A Path with Heart

Dr. Robert Hall vertelt mild over het seksueel en fysiek misbruik in zijn jeugd. Daarmee laat hij zien hoe hij de repercussies ervan heeft omgezet in een leven van vertrouwen en vrede. Hall biedt emotionele wijsheid en analytische duidelijkheid uit zijn persoonlijke en professionele ervaring van tientallen jaren. Hij inspireert tot hoop in overlevenden van misbruik en andere slachtoffers van trauma’s. De complexe, lyrische beelden brengen het verhaal krachtig over zoals dromen, en weerspiegelen Hall’s erfgoed en innovatie in lichaamstherapie.

De ondertiteling is verzorgd en gesponsord door iMindU ( in samenwerking met het Taleninstituut van de Universiteit Leiden.

Klik op het CC icoon voor Nederlandse ondertiteling.

November 21, 2019

Successful PhD defense by Marie-José van Hoof MD, PhD, MSc PhD Thesis “Unresolved-disorganized attachment, psychopathology, and the adolescent brain”

Uitnodiging promotie

PhD Thesis: Download volledige proefschrift

Propositions: Stellingen behorende bij het proefschrift

PhD Thesis Defense | Promotie Marie-José van Hoof
21 November 2019

PhD Thesis research explanation video:


September 18, 2019

AMOR & PSYCHE fundraising started!


September 13, 2019

iMindU; good example of ‘Netwerkgeneeskunde’

iMindU has been chosen as a good example of ‘Netwerkgeneeskunde’, Network Medicine, by the Federation of Medical Specialists, see:




Conference chair, presenter, moderator


International Attachment Conference 2024 in Leiden (conferentie organisatie)
Publieksdag ‘Kapla’, 6 juli 2022 (organisatie)
NtVP SIG Traumatische rouw, postponed till after COVID-19 crisis
Brainwave/Almacaeon carrièrediner 2020, Utrecht, postponed till after COVID-19 crisis



LECK vraag en antwoord mbt gevolgen van psychotrauma voor kinderartsen en forensisch artsen KMHG, 17 juni 2021 online.

NIFP nascholingscursus workshop “Gehechtheid in de forensische praktijk en rapportage”, 27 mei 2021 18.00-20.00 u. online.

FSW- Leidse Studievereniging Kindermishandeling, “Ervaringen van een kinder- en jeugdpsychiater met kindermishandeling” Leiden, 18 maart 2021 19.30-21.00 u.


Mentorship Donald J. Cohen Fellowship Program 27 November-4 December 2020 and beyond

RINO course Intergenerationeel trauma en geweld, Leiden (blended FTF and online), October/  November 2020


(Lemion) Procesdiagnostiek, Jaarbeurs MediaPlaza, Utrecht, December 17

Psyfar Masterclass Puzzelen met Psychofarmaca 2019, Doorn, November 29
Hechtingscongres 2019, Eindhoven, October 10
NtVP 2019, Assen, September 25
IAC 2019, Vancouver July 18-20

ESCAP 2019, Vienna June 30-July 2
ESTSS 2019, Rotterdam June 14-16

NVvP Voorjaarscongres 2019, Maastricht April 3-5
