Marie-José van Hoof, MD, PhD, MSc
(Child and adolescent) psychiatrist, psychotraumatherapist, orthopedagoge
CEO and leading psychiatrist (in Dutch: geneesheer-directeur) of mental health institution iMindU GGZ,
Researcher @ Amsterdam UMC [deelname in CONNECT study (NtVP), ADJUST study (ESTSS), CCPS (Yale University), SHINE-VR (Leiden University)]
Board member science @ Psychotherapy section Dutch Society for psychiatry (NVvP)
Editor @ Tijdschrift voor Psychotherapie
Editor @ Kind en Adolescent Praktijk
Chair Expert group Trauma & Child Abuse Dutch Knowledge Center Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
(Praktijkstandaard Trauma; Deltaplan jeugdtrauma)
Member Guideline committee on Pediatric Condition Falsification (KNMG/FMS)
Member Steering Committee Guidelines Cluster Maltreatment (KNMG/FMS)
Mentor @ Donald J. Cohen Fellowship Program @ International Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and allied professionals (IACAPAP)
Supervisory board member De Velse GGZ
Participant Academische Werkplaats ‘Het Jonge Kind’ (the Young Child)
former board member Dutch Society for Psychotrauma/Nederlandstalige Vereniging voor Psychotrauma (NtVP)
former scientific teacher @ Leiden University, department of developmental and educational psychology
former chair Working committee on Child Abuse and Neglect and Domestic Violence report) Dutch Society for Psychiatry (NVvP) – task finished
My passion lies in meeting people and accompanying them on their path of life themes and challenges. I like to analyze complex problems into small pieces that match simple solutions which sustain in daily life. I implement this in diagnostics and therapy where mindfulness, empathy and compassion meet rational analyses to ensure better mental health and a more fulfilling life. Both nature and culture are sources of inspiration for me, see About Us and iMindU Academy.
Having lived in several countries I’m familiar with cultural, language and logistical challenges expats and repats may face besides identity problems and loss of trusted environments.
I offer several forms of psycho(trauma)therapy (EMDR, tf-CBT, writing therapy (Write Junior), BEPP, BEP-TG, (kid)NET, imaginary exposure, imaginary rescripting, embodied mentalizing, psychodynamische therapie), 7ROSES (empowerment method), pharmacotherapy, personal therapy (=’leertherapie’) and coaching. I’m training in Mentalization Based Treatment [MBT(-A)(-K)(-F)].
Languages: Dutch (native), English (fluent), French, German (intermediate), Spanish, Hebrew (basic);
Present: fulltime
In case of absence another (child and adolescent) psychiatrist will take care of patient care duties.
BIG 79044437901 | AGB-code 03067239 | MRSC registration till July 15, 2027 | interne aantekening kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie till July 15, 2027 | member of FMS/KNMG, NVvP, NVP, NtVP/ESTSS, VEN, VKJP, NVO, SEAS, IACAPAP, VNVA, FNL, VVPAO, ZP Jeugd | cv seeé-van-hoof-936a6b12/ | ph. +31.71.2035060 | E:
and for publications also see
Giulia Iozzia MSc
registered psychologist NIP, waiting for BIG-registration as a GZ-psychologist, degree in clinical psychology with distinction from the University of Bologna and 2-year postmaster training with distinction
Experience with adults and adolescents affected by substance use disorders, psychosis, depressive, anxiety, bipolar, eating and personality disorders; focus on attachment dynamics; focus on psychosomatics. Certified in CBT, BEPP and advanced certificate in METODO PI which stands for Integrated Emotional-Behavioral Psychobiology. It is a psychotherapeutic methodology that integrates ISTDP, the Ekman Method and coaching models.
As an expat myself, I’m familiar with the challenge of living and integrating into a foreign community. By working with expats, I, therefore, have the opportunity to express my empathic understanding and support for those who are facing a similar journey. By working in various mental healthcare organizations, and meeting so many different people, I have become increasingly fascinated with the uniqueness of every human being. Helping people to be conscious of their inner power to overcome limiting patterns, is the reason that motivates me to dedicate myself to this job. I believe that part of our evolution is to become aware of our personal resources, and, step by step, use them to face new challenges from a different perspective. Now, I am here to offer you a safe place where you can feel free to express your emotions and make peace with your thoughts.
I’m currently doing a training in MBT(-A) and will take my exam in Dutch soon to get my Italian license in psychology recognised as a Dutch GZ-psycholoog.
Languages: Italian (native), English (near fluent), Dutch (B2+);
Present: Monday thru Friday; E: | SKJ-registratie 130006328 | AGB 94111735 | registered psychologist NIP | cv see linkedin
Khatun Mirsujan, MSc
Registered child and adolescent psychologist NIP and (child and adolescent) psychotherapist NVP, degree in child and adolescent psychotherapy with distinction from the 4-year postmaster training in Münster, Germany
Experience with psychotherapy with children, adolescents and adults, in particular Cognitive Behavioral Therapy but also psychodynamic therapy
During my master’s degree and 4-year postgraduate program to become a specialised psychotherapist for children and adolescents, I have worked with patients and families with a various range of disorders (e.g., depression, anxiety disorders, OCD, conduct disorders, elimination disorders) in the outpatient care as well as in the inpatient health care.
Working with children and adolescents has always been my fascination and passion since these life years play a major role in determining future behavior and personality development.
In my collaboration with patients and families, I focus on strengths and resources of families, which get easily lost in one’s own perception while going through challenges. Alongside, by figuring out together why you act and feel the way you do, it can relieve a lot of stress and make you feel gathering control over your current life situation again.
The words of the psychologist Carl Jung “I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become” sum up my therapeutic attitude and why I am so wilful to make a positive difference in people’s lives.
I’m currently also training in EMDR, MBT(-A)(-K)(-F), NET/kidNET and in New Authority (Geweldloos Verzet).
Languages: Armenian (native), German (native), Dutch (B2+), English (near fluent)
Present: Monday thru Friday; E: | BIG 19929132316 |AGB 94111388 | registered psychologist NIP and psychotherapist NVP |cv available on request
Carien Gelderblom, MSc
Orthopedagoge,teacher, MDFT judge, quality officer
Having worked as a quality officer and family therapy auditor, I experienced that the client deserves quality. It is not only a duty, but it is also satisfying to be able to offer that quality, and thus give the client perspective for a better life. Any help for me starts with a sincere and not just professional interest in the patient.
For me, iMindU GGZ is a challenging working environment in which I can find this satisfaction: Carrying out careful and individualized diagnostics, parent management and treatment in a multidisciplinary team with each member having his/her own expertise. This fits in well with offering the quality of treatment that every patient deserves. For some of the patients the quality of treatment of iMindU makes it possible to receive outpatient treatment instead of having to reside in hospital or a psychiatric clinic.
Present: Wednesday-Thursday-Friday
Languages: Dutch (native), English, French, German (intermediate);
E: | SKJ 120014086 | AGB 94111734 | registered member of NVO | cv see
Inês Sabino da Costa, Msc
(child and adolescent) psychologist, research masters degree in Developmental Psychology from Leiden University with specialization in clinical child and adolescent psychology
Experience conducting psychodiagnostics and providing cognitive behavioural therapy for youth and adults affected by problems with self-esteem, anxiety, and depression.
As a new member of the psychologist team here at iMindU, I am dedicated to helping individuals find clarity, strength, and resilience in the face of life’s challenges. My approach to therapy is rooted in empathy and collaboration, as I seek to provide a safe, supportive, and non-judgemental space in my therapeutical care. I believe that therapy is a partnership, where we work together to explore your thoughts, emotions, behaviours, and goals. My therapeutic style is influenced by evidence-based practices, such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and a strong emphasis on a holistic, client-centered approach, where you are the expert in your own life. My goal is to empower you to make positive changes, develop coping strategies, and achieve a greater sense of well-being.
In this initial stage of my career, I have had the privilege of working alongside experienced psychologists at iMindU, working in clinical assessments of personality, intelligence, ADHD, attachment, and emotion regulation. In this process, I have obtained the Basic Certificate in Psychodiagnostics (BAPD; Basisaantekening Psychodiagnostiek, in Dutch) awarded by the Dutch Association for Psychologists (NIP). I now look forward to continuing to develop my skills in the field, with upcoming trainings in the area of CBT and plans for further trainings and workshops.
Languages: Portuguese (native), English (fluent), Spanish (intermediate), French and Dutch (beginner).
Present: Tuesday-Wednesday-Friday and on appointment.
AGB 94114984 | SKJ 130007975 | NIP registered: 242878 | T: 071-2035060;| linkedin:
Carla Engele, BSc
PMTO-therapeut, ouderbegeleider, volgt opleiding tot systeemtherapeut, VO-GGZ gediplomeerd maatschappelijk werker
Als ouderbegeleider en gecertificeerd PMTO-therapeut (sinds 2007) heb ik jarenlange ervaring met het begeleiden van ouders met een kind met dwars gedrag, dat niet lijkt te luisteren, dat driftbuien heeft, dat zich afsluit, dat niet gelukkig is. Ik heb gewerkt met kinderen met gedragsproblemen, ADHD, autisme, angsten en zij met een verstandelijke beperking. Graag wil ik ouders trainen in het verbeteren van het gedrag van hun kind, zodat er een prettige sfeer ontstaat in het gezin en iedereen de kans krijgt zich optimaal te ontwikkelen. Mijn manier van werken is gebaseerd op: deskundigheid, betrokkenheid, vertrouwen en humor. Ik werk vanuit eigen praktijk maar ook in de GGZ.
AGB 98101254 | SKJ (HSS SWJeugd) 100019928 | Beroepsregister van agogisch en maatschappelijk werkers: 461000202 | Lid van Beroepsvereniging van Professionals in Sociaal Werk (BPSW): 2355 | Register abituriënten VO-Geestelijke gezondheidszorg: 4255 | T 06-54 75 25 38 | E-mail: |
Elianne van Waalwijk van Doorn, MSc
Yoga docent, (traumasensitieve) Yoga therapie docent, Ayurvedisch geneeskundige/practitioner
Elianne van Waalwijk van Doorn certificeerde in 2024 als Ayurvedische geneeskundige en in 2021 als Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) Facilitator. Zij biedt Trauma-Sensitieve Yoga aan in individuele sessies of in kleine groepen met sessies van 15 minuten tot 60 minuten in haar studio in Voorschoten. Er is geen voorafgaande yoga-ervaring vereist.
Voor meer informatie over Trauma Sensitieve Yoga behandelingen kunt u bellen of mailen: +31 6 51 79 85 72 en
Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY)
Trauma Sensitieve Yoga werd twintig jaar geleden in de VS ontwikkeld. Onderzoekers zoals dr. Bessel van der Kolk en David Emerson hebben de somatische impact van trauma belicht en klinische onderzoeken hebben de bewijsbasis geleverd om de werkzaamheid van Trauma Sensitieve Yoga aan te tonen bij het verminderen van de symptomen van complex trauma en PTSS.
Trauma-Sensitieve Yoga helpt overlevenden van complexe trauma’s en posttraumatische stress op een zachte manier weer contact te maken met hun lichaam in een veilige, ondersteunende omgeving door:
• leren aanwezig te zijn
• oefenen met keuzes maken
• ervaren hoe je effectief actie kunt ondernemen
• je omgeving aanvoelen
• verhogen en verlagen van de intensiteit van de spieren
• door middel van adem contact maken met het lichaam en de omgeving
Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY) is een empirisch gevalideerde, aanvullende klinische behandeling voor complex trauma of chronische, therapieresistente PTSS. Trauma Sensitive Yoga, ontwikkeld in het Trauma Center in Brookline, Massachusetts, heeft een basis in Trauma Theory, Attachment Theory, Neuroscience en Hatha Yoga, met de nadruk op mindful body-based yogavormen en ademhalingsoefeningen.
Bahar Farschi Jamshidabady, BSc
creatieve therapie: lichaamsgerichte kunstzinnige therapie en danstherapie
Mijn drijfveer is je te helpen in verbinding te komen met je natuurlijke staat van zijn.
Kenmerkend aan mij is mijn inlevingsvermogen, intuïtieve waarneming, warme betrokkenheid en speelsheid.
Als therapeut schep ik de voorwaarden die nodig zijn voor heling en voor een stromend en gezond leven.
Geboeid door het leven, de mens en de kracht van creativiteit volgde ik na de afronding van de opleiding Sociaal cultureel werk, in 1999 de studie tot Sociaal kunstzinnig therapeute aan de Hogeschool Leiden.
Ruim twee decennia volg ik op intensieve basis trainingen en therapieën voor mijn eigen ontwikkelingsweg, vanuit de visie dat het investeren daarin onmisbaar is bij het begeleiden van anderen.
Vanuit de behoefte me verder te scholen en te professionaliseren in lichaamswerk volgde ik in 2010 de opleiding tot Focusbegeleider.
Daarnaast beoefen ik verschillende meditatie vormen, met als favoriet dansmeditaties (5Ritmes© van Gabrielle Roth en Authentic movement), maar ook verschillende Boeddhistische meditaties en meditatief boetseren (van Frank Roeland Hoefsloot) horen bij mijn palet.
Sinds 2004 ben ik werkzaam als therapeut in eigen praktijk en sinds 2006 ben ik gevestigd in antroposofisch medisch centrum ‘Sterre der zee’ te scheveningen.
Van 2007-2015 ben werkzaam geweest als docent Kunstzinnige therapie aan de Hogeschool Leiden.
Op basis van mijn praktijkervaring en eigen scholingsweg heb ik de specialisatie ‘Lichaamsgerichte kunstzinnige therapie’ ontwikkeld. Sinds 2010 bied ik hierin post-HBO scholing aan.
Momenteel werk ik aan de afronding van het handboek voor Lichaamsgerichte kunstzinnige therapie en doe ik in samenwerking met het Lectoraat Antroposofische Gezondheidszorg wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar deze methode.
Aangesloten bij NVAZ en FVB (met Antroposofisch Geneeskundige aanmerking)
AGB 90-032708 | M: 06-52199785 | E: | Website:
Trees van der Voorden MSc
register orthopedagoog-generalist NVO, neuropedagoge, EMDR practitioner, cognitive behavioural therapist and supervisor, not practicing childphysiotherapist, not practicing sensorimotor integration therapist, coach, supervisor VGcT, NVO, SKJ, NIP
Languages: Dutch (native), English (near fluent). Present: on appointment.
Trees has her own practice ‘Jij Oké’ in Leiden and a very varied background in physiotherapy as well as orthopedagogy and multiple postdoctoral trainings in EMDR, CBT and more.
BIG 89035381031 | AGB 94009151 | M: 06-81180970 | E: | website | cv see linkedin
Masja Juffermans MSc
GZ-psychologist, EMDR practitioner, MBT-K practitioner and supervisor
Cognitive Behavioural Therapie (CBT), Emotion Regulation training (ERT), EMDR, imaginaire rescripting en Mentalisation Based Treatment (MBT)
Languages: Dutch (native), English (near fluent). Present: on appointment.
René Cané Molinari MSc
Ik ben René Cané Molinari, een erkende Chileens-Italiaanse psychotherapeut gevestigd in Leiden. Gespecialiseerd in individuele en groepstherapie, bied ik diensten aan in het Engels, Spaans en Italiaans. Met een masterdiploma in Psychotherapie van de Katholieke Universiteit van Leuven en de Universiteit van Genève, heb ik mijn vaardigheden verder ontwikkeld via gespecialiseerde trainingen in Transference-Focused Psychotherapy van de Columbia University en Mentalization-Based Therapy van het Anna Freud National Centre. Momenteel werk ik aan een doctoraat in Psychologie en Neurowetenschappen aan de Universiteit van Maastricht, waar mijn onderzoek zich richt op de raakvlakken van psychoanalyse en seksualiteit. Naast mijn onafhankelijke praktijk werk ik als freelancer voor IMindU, waar ik groepstherapie faciliteer. Mijn therapeutische aanpak is holistisch en cultureel sensitief, wat mijn multiculturele achtergrond en beheersing van meerdere talen weerspiegelt. Gedreven door mijn overtuiging in de effectiviteit van groepstherapie, heb ik door de jaren heen gezien hoe het individuen in staat stelt hun leven te transformeren en therapeutische doelen te bereiken.
Client-Centered Psychotherapy (CCP), Existential Therapy (ET), Transference Focused Psychotherapy (TFP), Schema Focused Therapy (SFT), Mentalization Based Therapy (MBT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), group therapy.
Languages: Spanish (native), Italian (native), French (near native), English (near native), Dutch (B2+). Present: on appointment.
Gijs van der Zalm, MSc
register psychologist NIP, family therapist, coach, mediator – complaints officer for iMindU,
retired, not practicing GZ and clinical psychologist, psychotherapist
Languages: Dutch (native), English, French (near fluent). Present: on appointment
AGB | T: 071-5619452 | M: 06-10830422 | E: | cv see
Mariel Meewisse, PhD
consulting clinical psychologist from Abate expertisecentrum angst en trauma
Mariel Meewisse, PhD, is a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist and scientific researcher. Mariel is registered as EMDR Europe consultant, supervisor for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Psychotraumatherapist NtVP. Till 2019 she served as a chair for the Dutch Society for Psychotrauma (NtVP) and board member of the European Society of Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS). She trains clinicians in the treatment of PTSD in (inter)national context. In research she collaborates with colleagues from the universities of Amsterdam, Utrecht and Groningen. She has worked as the lead psychotrauma at mental health institute GGZ Noord-Holland Noord, as an independent clinical psychologist in Enkhuizen and at the Amsterdam UMC (then AMC) in Amsterdam as a clinical and scientific researcher at the departments anxiety disorders and psychotrauma. She got her PhD from Amsterdam University on an epidemiological longitudinal study into the long term sequelae of psychotrauma. Mariel has published several (international) articles and book chapters.
Languages: Dutch (native), English, Only available as a consultant to the team of iMindU.
AGB-code 94010553 |BIG 89913352825 (gezondheidspsycholoog, specialisatie klinisch psycholoog), BIG 19913352816 (psychotherapeut)| T: 0228-522281 | M: 06-10908604 | E: | cv see LinkedIn
Regina van Ommen, MD
In 2018 iMindU and Regina van Ommen set up a collaboration. Regina van Ommen offers pediatric care to children, adolescents and their families, e.g. pharmacotherapy for children with ADHD, treatment for stomach ache, headache, airway problems and questions about growth and/or puberty. Occasionally, we have also offered pediatric consultation for anorexia nervosa and other eating disorders. If indicated pediatric consultation is integrated within multidisciplinary treatment. Using anamnesis and physical examination a diagnosis is made. Additional labs can be arranged through SCAL lab. If hospital treatment is necessary, a referral will be made by the pediatrician.
For further information see
Languages: Dutch (native), English (near-fluent)
Present: on appointment
BIG 49041688701 | AGB-code 03016996 | MRSC registration till mei 2025 | member of NVK, section social paediatrics | cv see
Kim Corbet, BSc
Child and Adolescent dietician
Kim Corbet, kinder- en jeugddiëtist heeft de HBO opleiding Voeding en Diëtetiek in 2002 afgerond en is na haar opleiding altijd werkzaam geweest als diëtist waardoor ze veel ervaringskennis heeft in uiteenlopende settingen: academisch en perifeer ziekenhuis, revalidatiekliniek en GGZ.
Kim heeft een vriendelijke serene houding en stelt graag open vragen aan het kind en ouder(s). Ze luistert actief en respecteert de denkwereld van het kind. Luisteren naar kind en ouders(s) heeft haar opgeleid tot een diëtist met veel ervaringskennis in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg (GGZ).
Ze heeft een sterk systematisch denkvermogen en is een intuïtief creatief denker. Zonder oordeel voedt ze haar denken en consciëntieus rekent ze de keuzemogelijkheden uit. Wat voor haar telt is dat ze in het leven van een ander verschil mag maken. Door haar werk is ze doordrongen van de eindigheid van het leven wat haar helpt om te blijven werken vanuit haar eigen menselijkheid in professionele nabijheid.
Languages: Dutch native speaker; English (intermediate), Italian (basic). Present: Fridays on appointment
AGB-code 24-001234 | KP-nr 39904597289 | cv see
Esther van der Sande, MA Psych, TCTSY-F
Body-oriented Psychodynamic psychotherapy: including in-depth guidance
Attachment issues, trauma, developmental trauma (complex trauma), accidents, processing, grief & loss, PTSD, stress coaching and counselling.
If there is something preventing you from living your life the way that feels right for you, it may at some point become increasingly prominent. That ‘something’ often dates back to your past and is usually persistent, because it is buried in a combination of unresolved issues or situations, resistance and uncomfortable habituation.
It becomes the centre of negative attention and expresses itself as dissatisfaction and disconnection from ourselves and the world around us. In your mind, you do not feel good about yourself or are insecure about whether you are good enough… To sum up, you don’t feel free to be the way you can be, naturally.
The counselling I offer can help you focus on what really needs attention. It can calm the storms of your thoughts and help you achieve peace. Your body can allow itself to relax, and the whole that you are can recognize itself as being whole again.
It requires your willingness to allow room for this restorative attention to yourself. You do not have to do it alone. As your therapist, I will listen without judgement to what you are really saying. Together with you, I look at what is difficult to face, but without triggering the responses of the past. I am there for you in what can feel painful. We then reflect on what that means in the larger context of your life.
I work from the psychodynamic view that stems from an Eastern sense of unity connected with Western practical psychological understanding. In my therapy sessions, I use a range of techniques including psychotherapy and transactional analysis (TA), mindfulness, neuro-psychotherapy, EMDR and yoga.
Together, we will take a journey until you have really experienced the result of the therapy in your daily life, as a renewed awareness of the space in your own life flow.
Together, we will use therapy to work at a pace that is comfortable for you. My goal is to make you feel better and to free you from the grip of anxiety, depression and emotional hurt. I will help you develop new skills and capabilities, to create a stronger ‘you’ in the way that you want. Many people regard this as developing a stronger ‘sense of self’.
Actually, all qualities that you need to build a stronger you, are already within you but these are sometimes pushed to the background by the events we experience in our life. Greater awareness allows us to make better and healthier choices, to feel connected and to work on the things preventing us from achieving that.
Clients who have completed therapy often feel stronger, look at life with a more positive view, find that they can take on the world again, that they enjoy life again, that energy can flow once more and that they have compassion for themselves.
Languages: Dutch (native), English (fluent). Present: on appointment
Contact Esther on
Phone: + 31 (0) 6 11 48 50 57
-February-August 2021: Eveline Vos (Dutch & English speaking)
-September 2021-March 2022: Mattea Degabriele Fiott (from Malta; Maltese, Italian, English speaking) and Marina Volpe Garcia (Dutch and Spanish speaking)
-March-September 2022: Paloma Guzman (from Argentina, educated in Italy and Mexico; Spanish, Italian and English speaking) and Nina Makaske (Dutch and English speaking).
-September 2022-March 2023: Inês Sabino da Costa(from Portugal; lived in Canada for a couple of years; Portuguese, Spanish, English speaking) and Elise van Triest (Dutch and English speaking).
-March 2023-September 2023: Magdalena Pooja Heyn (from Germany with Indian roots; German, English speaking) and Tessa Gardien (Dutch and English speaking).
– September 2023-March 2024: Zsuzsanna Nagy (Hungarian, English and Dutch speaking) and Philip Corsi (German, Italian, English and Dutch speaking)
– March 2024-September 2024: Nikki Meijer (Dutch and English speaking) and Romi Essel (Hebrew, English, Dutch and Spanish speaking)
– September 2024-March 2025: Johanna Schmidtova (Czech, Dutch, English, German, Korean and Vietnamese speaking) and Yasmin Conrado Veiga Bosquetti(Brazilian Portuguese, English, Dutch and German speaking)
Annemiek Rooijmans
medewerker zorgadministratie
coordinator of admissions
Na het Stedelijk Gymnasium in Utrecht volgde ik de Reinhardt Academie voor museologie, richting culturele bedrijfsvoering zonder deze af te maken. Mijn creativiteit belegde ik vervolgens in Flamencodans, -zang en -muziek, het uitgeven van een tijdschrift daarover, theater en fotografie o.a. van off road races en Formule 1. Door mijn jarenlange ervaring als cateringmanager binnen een zeer dynamisch bedrijf, als tourmanager en door mijn werk als secretaresse op twee praktijken in de jeugd-GGZ ben ik gewend snel in te springen op onverwachte situaties. Proactief handelen en creatief en efficiënt omgaan met beschikbare middelen zijn mijn sterke punten. Ik hou ervan mijzelf op verschillende vlakken te blijven ontwikkelen en nieuwe dingen te leren.
Dutch (native), English (near-native), Spanish, German and French (intermediate);
Present: Tuesday – Thursday – Friday
Margreet van der Wel-Verra, BSc
with extensive academic and international (NGO) experience
HRM and prevention coordinator
Originally I was trained as a pedagogical worker-hospital, at HBO-youth welfare work. After working for five years in the children’s department of thoracic surgery at Leiden University Hospital, I made the switch to development aid at Foundation Terre des Hommes (medical dept.), where I worked for many years. After retraining as a Professional Organizer, I worked as a(n) (executive) secretary and program manager at Leiden University and at the Youth Interventions Foundation / MDFT Academy.
In Dutch:
Oorspronkelijk ben ik opgeleid als pedagogisch medewerkster ziekenhuis, opleiding HBO-Jeugdwelzijnswerk. Nadat ik vijf jaar op de kinderafdeling thoraxchirurgie van het LUMC heb gewerkt heb ik de overstap gemaakt naar de ontwikkelingshulp bij Stichting Terre des Hommes. Ik ben hier 11 jaar coördinator medische behandelingen geweest en organiseerde de overkomst en behandeling van hartpatiëntjes uit Aziatische en Afrikaanse landen in Nederland. Tevens zorgde ik voor de begeleiding van ouders en kind. Toen Terre des Hommes met deze vorm van hulpverlening stopte ben ik bij Interplast Holland gaan werken. Hier werkte het ‘andersom’. Ik organiseerde de uitzending van medische teams naar ontwikkelingslanden, waar kinderen en volwassenen ter plekke geheel kosteloos geopereerd werden op gebied van reconstructieve chirurgie.
Ik ben na 16 jaar ontwikkelingshulp heel ander werk gaan doen. Ik merkte dat ik het prettig vind om te regelen, organiseren en administratief bezig te zijn. Ik deed de opleiding Professional Organizer en was werkzaam als (directie)secretaresse bij de Universiteit Leiden en als programma coördinator bij Stichting Jeugdinterventies, die zich bezig houdt met Multidimensionele Familie Therapie. Tussendoor was ik ook nog uitvaart assistent en organiseerde begrafenissen en crematies. Kortom, van alle markten thuis en nu ben ik opnieuw een heel ander pad ingeslagen!
Dutch (native); English (near fluent), French, German (intermediate). Present: Wednesday – Thursday – Friday morning
cv see
Rineke Kosten
Medical Secretary, Office manager
graphic designer
After high school I started a bachelor in Sociology and Non-Western Anthropology at the University of Amsterdam. After a few years, I decided I wasn’t passionate enough to continue in this field.
After extensive research, I became a graphic designer. Initially as a free-lancer at public magazines for a few years, then I started my own company. I enjoyed this profession for over 25 years. Then I decided to take a different path which lead me to become a secretary at a private psychiatric and psychotherapeutic practice in the centre of Amsterdam. Unexpectedly, this kind of work suited me very well and gave me a lot of pleasure. Meanwhile I have grown into an all-round office manager.
Dutch (native); English (near fluent); French and Spanish (basic). Present: Monday – Tuesday – Wednesday